Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition

Burcu Emeç writing at the table in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Lynda Gaudreau

Nadège Grebmeier-Forget and hands at the table in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Lynda Gaudreau

Ashlea Watkin and Nadège Grebmeier-Forget at the shelf in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Catherine Lalonde in Adventures can be found anywhere même, dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Side view of the Monster Book in Adventures can be found anywhere même, dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Two hands stapling the Monster Book in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Festival Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Browsing the Monster Book in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Ashlea Watkin reading in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Marie Claire Forté, Jacob Wren, Ashlea Watkin and Adam Kinner with the Monster Book in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Hands and a written page in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Jacob Wren in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Crumpled paper in Adventures can be found anywhere, même dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche

Monster Book in Adventures can be found anywhere même, dans la répétition at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery at Festival TransAmériques (2022). Photo: Manoushka Larouche
Seated around a large table, a group of artists apply themselves to the task of rewriting the journals and notebooks of the U.S author and activist Susan Sontag. They reappropriate her words and unpack their possibilities, altering the substance of the text by projecting themselves into it. Each fragment is read, shared, exhibited. Through this ceaseless communal labour, the performers produce a new, collective work that’s closer to us.
Immersed in the silence of writing, the drawings of words, and the echoes of voices that mingle together, the audience combines its own experience of the world, of art, and of desire with that of the young Sontag, who is transformed and multiplied under the authorship of the assembled artists. This performance-installation presented continuously over eight days is a vibrant and mischievous declaration of love to literature. The interdisciplinary group PME-ART celebrates the creative power of reading by seizing upon its potential for perpetual reactivation.
Creation, Performance and Installation Burcu Emeç + Marie Claire Forté + Nadège Grebmeier Forget + Adam Kinner + Catherine Lalonde + Ashlea Watkin + Jacob Wren. Artistic contribution Claudia Fancello. Artistic Coordinator Sylvie Lachance.
Text Susan Sontag, Reborn: Journals & Notebooks 1947-1963 © The Estate of Susan Sontag (2008) used by permission of The Wylie Agency (Royaume-Uni) + Renaître : journaux et carnets (1947-1963) translated from English (United States) by Anne Wicke © Christian Bourgois Éditeur (2010)
A PME-ART production, co-produced and co-presented by Festival TransAmériques and Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, as part of FTA Respirations. With the support of the Conseil des arts de Montréal, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and the Canada Council for the Arts.