The Title Is
the Question

Caroline Dubois, Claudia Fancello and Jacob Wren. Photo: Mathieu Chartrand

Caroline Dubois plays a music instrument on video. Photo: Paul Litherland / Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen

Claudia Fancello plays an instrument on video. Photo: Paul Litherland / Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen

Jacob Wren plays an instrument on video. Photo: Paul Litherland / Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen

Caroline Dubois, Claudia Fancello and Jacob Wren play music instruments on video. Photo: Paul Litherland / Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen
Part of the group exhibition “Making it Work” by curator Susannah Wesley, this installation presents three videos in which three artists play a piece of music in sync, even though it was composed and recorded one artist at a time, without hearing what the others had created beforehand. An examination of a single collaborative process from three distinct angles.
Caroline Dubois, Claudia Fancello and Jacob Wren experiment musical research and exploration for over a year, playing music together even though they are not musicians. Placing themselves on unfamiliar terrain is an essential part of the undertaking. The music is not an end in itself, but rather a way for them to meet and approach the theme of working together in real time. They start to feel their way through collaborative decision-making without spoken language.
This project is part of the HOSPITALITY cycle, an extended period of research on the theme of hospitality.
Video installation created and performed by Caroline Dubois, Claudia Fancello, and Jacob Wren. Video editing: Julie Favreau. Technical Direction: Mathieu Chartrand.
As part of the group exhibition Making It Work, curated by Susannah Wesley, a joint production with the Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery (Montréal).
Montréal, Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery.